Eastern Nigeria
Western Nigeria
Northern Nigeria
Eastern Nigeria


Physical Environment:
The eastern region of Nigeria is located on the Gulf of Guinea, beside the bay, the Bight of Biafra. The Benue River forms its Northern boundary, while the Niger river forms its western boundary. Eastern Nigeria has more rainfall than the rest of Nigeria. Oil spills have done a lot of environmental damage to Eastern Nigeria. Rainforest used to be in this region, but now only swamps line the coast. The Niger River delta is located in Eastern Nigeria, which is a good source of oil with all of its deposits.

Rainforest in Eastern Nigeria

Ethnic Groups:
The Igbo (pronounced ee-bo) are the largest ethnic group in the eastern region of Nigeria. 18% of Nigerians are Igbo. Most Igbo are Christians. When under British rule, the Igbo worked with the officials from the government. When they were independent, the other ethnic groups did not like the Igbo's power, which resulted in the violent killing of some Igbo people. In 1967, the Igbo tried to break away from Nigeria.

Igbo build mud-brick houses and in swampy houses, the houses are sometimes built on stilts. The Igbo wrap themselves in colorful cloth and masked dancing is popular among Igbo. The traditional hat is a small cap, and they like to create maks for cermony.

Farming used to be the Igbo's main economic activity, but today, most of their wealth comes from oil. Foreign companies run Nigeria's oil industry, but Nigeria's government is trying to change this. Igbo value learning and many have a good education.

Click here for more information on British colonialism in Nigeria